miercuri, 14 septembrie 2011

"Nivelul Securităţii Romaniei"..............

"Acordul transpus în practică face nivelul securităţii Romaniei să fie cel mai înalt din istoria acestui stat" declara basescu, azi 14.09.2011, la intoarcerea din SUA. Si cum gura unui fost informator a vorbit de nivelul securitatii, mi-am adus aminte de "nivelul" Securitatii Romaniei din anul 1984, de un document prin care Ambasadorul SUA la Bucuresti, Organizatia Amnesty International si un profesor american, au fost luati in primire de Directia a III-a a Securitatii Statului, ca urmare a unei scrisori adresate lui Ceausescu in legatura cu subsemnatul. Conform informatiilor C.N.S.A.S., publicate pe pagina de internet, Directia a III-a era Directia generala de contraspionaj care avea ca obiect activitatea de prevenire, descoperire si lichidare a actiunilor serviciilor de spionaj impotriva R.S.R.

Ma intreb cum va fi de acum inainte, cu "nivelul securitatii Romaniei .... cel mai inalt din istoria acestui stat"?

Si apropo, bravo "javra ordinara", bine ca ti-ai "securizat" si intalnirea cu romanii din diaspora ca sa nu fie distrusa mediatic.

marți, 13 septembrie 2011

Deşteaptă-te, române!

Dear Mister President,

My name is Adriana Olteanu, a US citizen since 1991. The reason I’m writing to you is that I just found out the Romanian president is going to visit the White House tomorrow. First I’d like to give you some information about me and my family.  In 1986 we arrived in the US as refugee, after my husband had been court marshaled for opposing the communist government, and I was fired as a teacher for denigrating the communist politics. Aside from a daughter born in Romania, I have a son in the US who’s now 18 year old, a straight A university sophomore student. Here are some of our personal experiences with Basescu’s regime.
In 2008 my husband and I got access to the hundreds of secret files the Romanian political police kept on us between 1983-1986, and based on those files the military prosecutor concluded that his arrest and conviction were ordered by the political police and asked the court to declare his conviction illegal, but two years later nothing happened.  In 2009 during presidential elections, Basescu’s party servants used my family’s name for an electoral add, without our knowledge or consent, to attack other political parties. Furthermore, on 04.28.2011 my husband was illegally detained and beaten by the state police for protesting against the government.

But these are nothing compared to what he did to the Romanian people. Basescu is one of the communist regime’s privileged, also a political police collaborator. Since in power he has appeared on national television being drunk , crying; he likes to humiliate, lie and call people names. He made a draconic system in Romania, in which all the state institutions have been politicized and filled with former political police officers and collaborators. Even though his approval is about 15%, same as his party, he’s the one who is running and manipulating the parliament, justice and government through his nominated servants.

He ordered hundreds of schools and hospitals to be closed, cut the salary by 25% and increased taxes. In a country with all prices similar to US a teacher or a doctor has a salary of about $300/mo, and he’s saying that whoever doesn’t like should just leave the country. While most Romanians are desperate, commit suicide and live in the country, his family and collaborators made fortunes through government contracts. Now the regime is looking to ban protests.

This is a glance of the real Basescu.         
Is he someone who deserves to be honored at the White House?
              09.12.2011                                                                   Sincerely,
                                                                                                   Adriana Olteanu
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